BSides London 2013 Challenge 5
Another BSides London 2013 challenge! I didn't enter as I had already managed to get my hands on a ticket at the time this one was released. I did, with the help of some colleagues, complete the challenge to fill some spare time I had at the weekend. There was no back story associated with this challenge. You were simply provided with a PDF document , and told to follow the clues until you came across a secret code, a subject line and an email address to which these could be sent . I should also add that although this post shows the most direct route to the final answer, we did find ourselves following a few red herrings and banging our heads against a few proverbial brick walls. Stage 1: The text of the PDF document give clues as to how to complete this stage. Within the seemingly random text is this string: guvfgrkgvfwhfgnqvfgenpgvbasebzgurernypunyyratr When decoded using ROT13 this becomes: th istextisjustadistractionfromtherealchallenge There is also thi...